Same instructions also apply to formatting organiser's terms of service.
Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax that is designed for ease of use and readability. Its primary goal is to be as readable as possible in its raw form, making it intuitive for authors to write structured documents without the complexity of HTML or other rich-text formatting languages.
# Heading level 1
## Heading level 2
### Heading level 3
*italics text*
**bold text**
***bold and italics***
* First item
* Second item
* Third item
Use three dashes or more:
Such obvious links automatically become links in the event description:
[email protected]
If you want the text of the link to be different from the link itself, write the text in brackets and the link in parentheses:
Fienta does not yet support uploading images for use in texts, but you can still use images that are located on another server. To add an image, write an exclamation mark, a brief description of the image for visually impaired people in brackets, and the link to the image in parentheses:

Separate table columns with vertical bars and headers from the content with dashes. On the separator line, you can also use colons to indicate the desired alignment direction.
Time | Artist | Stage
--------|-----------| ----------:
10:00 | Artist A | Main stage
12:00 | Artist B | Side
13:00 | Artist C | Side
In practice, three dashes per column are sufficient for the header separator line:
Time | Artist | Stage
--- | --- | ---:
10:00 | Artist A | Main stage
12:00 | Artist B | Side
13:00 | Artist C | Side
You can format the event description with most common HTML tags. For example:
<strong>Text in bold</strong>
<em>Text in italics</em>
<ul><li>Bulleted list item</li><li>Bulleted list item</li></ul>
Link to <a href="">Google</a>
You can embed a YouTube video in your event description. Ensure you are using the embed link provided by YouTube, rather than the standard video URL from the address bar.
Follow these steps:
Open the video on YouTube.
Click on the Share button below the video.
Select Embed, and copy the embed link provided in the code snippet.
Use the following example to embed YouTube videos:
<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
<iframe src="" allowfullscreen></iframe>