Promotion and sharing

Sending complimentary tickets

Fienta has a tool for sending free, complimentary tickets to your volunteers, sponsors or winners of social media giveaways.

You can find the complimentary ticket-sending tool in the “Orders & tickets” menu of your event:

The tool options are slightly different when sending free tickets to an event with or without reserved seating.

Sending complimentary tickets to a regular event

If your event does not have a seating plan, you can select the desired number of tickets and send this set of tickets to one or multiple email addresses at once. Each recipient will get a unique set of tickets.


  • Displaying ticket price: You can choose whether to display the full ticket price or replace it with the word “Invitation”.

  • Additional text: You have the option to include a personal message for the recipient.

  • Language: If your event is listed in multiple languages, you can select the language for both the tickets and the accompanying email.

Sending complimentary tickets with reserved seating

If your event has a seating plan with numbered seats, you can only send complimentary tickets to one recipient at a time. Otherwise, the process is the same as for events without a seating plan.

To send complimentary tickets with assigned seats, follow these steps:

  1. Select the desired seats on the seating plan.

  2. Choose whether the ticket price should be displayed or replaced with “Invitation”.

  3. Enter the recipient’s email address.

  4. Add a personal message if needed.

  5. Send the tickets.