Types of events

Recurring events

Entering recurring events

Recurring events such as theatre plays, movies or concert tours should be entered as separate events:

  1. Create the first event in the series.

  2. Make copies of the first event and adjust parameters such as the date, time and venue as needed. Read more about duplicating events.

Event series

Related events are automatically grouped into series based on their web address on Fienta. We use the beginning of the address by removing trailing numbers after the dash.

For example, you might have three occurrences of the movie "Die Hard" with addresses:


Fienta finds the common part "die-hard" and groups these three events into series. 

As a result, your buyers can choose between upcoming occurrences:

We also generate a new page for the whole series which displays all upcoming occurrences along with the image and description from the first one. Note the "s" in the URL which stands for "series":


If the events in the series take place in different venues, we also display this information: