Typeknitting with Rüdiger Schlömer

Tuesday 28. May 2024 at 18:00 - 21:30

MAISON SHIFT • Zeughausstrasse 56, 8004 Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland

Online ticket sales has ended

Typographic Knitting is writing with wool. Get to know different knitting and design techniques and learn how to include typography in your next knitting project.

Typeknitting explores the typographic potential of hand knitting techniques like Fair Isle, Slipstitch, Mosaic, and Patchwork Knitting. As a dialogue between digital typography/type design and the analog craft of knitting, this results in Patterns, Posters and Typefaces.

At the beginning you will get an overview of different Typeknitting methods and possible connection points to your personal knitting projects. You will learn which pixel fonts and other typefaces can be knitted with Slip-stitches, Mosaic and Shadow Knitting. After this, we focus on short knitting / sketching exercises. Using custom scetching material we modify prototypic letterforms andlearn how to make typographic patterns with your own text. This is done using specially developed Typeknitting typefaces.

If you do not own a credit card you can pay the tickets in advance by sending us an e-mail to [email protected]

Rüdiger Schlömer
Rüdiger Schlömer (1978) is a graphic designer in the field of exhibitions, signage, and books.In 2018 he published the book “Pixel, Patch und Pattern. Typeknitting“ at Verlag H.Schmidt. It received a Certificate of Typographic Excellence from the Type Directors Club NY and appeared in magazines like Vogue Knitting, Slanted and Manuell. Since that he gives workshops in schools, museums and knitting festivals. His type family "Knit Grotesk" was released by Zurich Type Foundry Nouvelle Noire in 2023.


MAISON SHIFT • Zeughausstrasse 56, 8004 Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland

Google Map of Zeughausstrasse 56, 8004 Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland

Maison Shift
