Fri, 14 Mar
Sold outSat, 15 Mar
Sold outFri, 21 Mar
Sold outSat, 22 Mar
Sold outFri, 11 Apr
Sold outSat, 12 Apr
Sold outUgala teater, Tallinn
A parasite called BLIND DATE is a theatre piece that can take place in any bigger theatre house, always running parallel to one of its nightly main shows. This parasite is not harmful but rather a clever one – it attaches itself to and in with a larger organism, using as few separate resources as possible for its own existence. In other words, this small show attaches itself to and in with the larger theater machine, finding ways to exist independently and operate on its own within the functioning system. Meanwhile, they, of course, also exist and carry on.
The host organism of this parasitic production, or the first bigger theater to accept the invitation to a blind date, is Ugala Theatre.
The parasitic theatre production BLIND DATE, is a personal invitation to the theatre without truly knowing what will happen, who will perform, what material it is based on, or how the overall system works.
Kadri Noormets (1988) is an Estonian performing artist and director working with body, theater, and text. In addition to theater work, she is also actively writing, as a freelance copywriter, and ghostwriter. She is also one of the organizers of the festival notafe. Noormets holds a bachelor's degree in choreography from Tallinn University (2010) and a master's in Performing Arts from the Estonian Academy of Arts (2014). Since 2022, she has continued her educational journey as a doctoral student and junior researcher at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre in the field of theatre. In her doctoral research, she focuses more specifically on co-composed LIFE SIZE THEATRE, addressing the question: how to make it possible for the performers and the audience to meet equally within a frame of a theatre piece?
Initiative and the whole: Kadri Noormets
Dramaturgical support: Diego Agulló,
Performers: Kadri Noormets, Ivo Reinok
Project manager and coordinator: Kerly Ritval, Marii Ingriin Saaremäe
Co-production: Kanuti Gildi SAAL, Kadri Noormets, Ugala Theatre
Support: Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre.
The duration of the piece varies, depending on how long the first act of the parallel performance is.
NB! Tickets for the show are sold under the buyer's name, and each person can purchase only one ticket for themselves at a time.