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Teater Viirus, Helsinki
“Gorgeous people die too”
(Hanna Wilke)
A diptych is a work of art consisting of two separate parts that, when combined, form a unified work of art. These parts can be attached or displayed side by side.
The two parts of Diptyk
1. En god död – A good death
2. Jag vill se oss dansa och städa – I want to see us dancing and cleaning
How is death depicted in Western art? What is a good death?
Director Minna Lund’s Diptyk is a performance in two parts about death and being alive. Set in a single apartment, it’s an intimate and banal montage about a good death and what happens afterwards.
The first part of the performance explores the social and spatial choreographies of a good death in Western society. The second part asks the question of what we can do in this moment, while we’re alive?
Diptyk places itself in a continuum of artworks about death, raising questions about the medicalisation before death, care, our ability to deal with death and community.
“At home we didn’t believe in God. Hanna wasn’t going to a better place after this. Everything was here and now. Everything was here, in this apartment. There were two rooms. A kitchen and a bedroom. A narrow hallway dividing and framing the space. There was a bedroom window, from which the sunlight shined through onto Hanna’s bed. The rest of Hanna’s life lasted for three months, starting on the 10th of September 2018.”
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