Viirus giftcard

Teatteri Viirus • Välimerenkatu 14, 00220 Helsinki, Finland

Giftcards to Viirus can be bought for any sum. Currently the gift card can only be used to book tickets via Viirus (during office hours from [email protected] and 09 440 224).

The giftcard can be used both for Viirus' productions and GUEST-productions. The whole sum of the gift card must be used at once. If the final ticket booking exceeds the value of the gift card, the rest can be payed by invoice or by the door.

A regular ticket to Viirus' productions is 34 €. Ticket prices for GUEST-productions vary.

The gift card is valid a year from the time of purchase.

Teatteri Viirus • Välimerenkatu 14, 00220 Helsinki, Finland

Google Map of Välimerenkatu 14, 00220 Helsinki, Finland

Viirus theatre