Solidaarsuskino #1 / Freefilmers, Mariupol

Kolmapäev, 2. märts 2022 kell 19:00 - 20:30 EET

Piletimüük internetis on lõppenud

Toetusüritus Ukraina filmitegijatele.
Teeme iga päev otseülekande Ukraina dokumentaal- ja/või eksperimentaalfilmitegijate filmide näitamiseks, et toetada sõja ajal neid ja nende perekondi Ukrainas. Kogu teenitud tulu suunatakse täismahus otse filmitegijatele.
Esimene üritus toimub kolmapäeval, 02.03 kell 19.00 (EET) Mariupoli filmikollektiivi “Freefilmers” toetuseks. Argielu suhtes tundlik ja tähelepanelik filmikeel asetab nende töödes põhifookusesse inimelu ning võitluse võrdsuse ja vabaduse eest.
Linastuse ajal proovib meiega veebi teel liituda üks kollektiivi eestvedajaid Sashko Protyah Ukrainast. Kuna otseülekande tegemise võimalused pommivarjendis on keerulised, ei pruugi see võimalikuks osutuda.
Ürituse täpne filmiprogramm on selgumisel.

Linastus toimub veebis aadressil ning on ligipääsetav kõikjal maailmas.

Piletid (kogu tulu annetatakse kollektiivile):

Värsket infot uute seansside kohta tuleb iga päev - kui mitte tund, nii et hoidke silm peal meie veebilehel või sotsiaalmeedial.
Kõikide ürituste kogu piletitulu läheb otse Ukraina kunstnikele ning kunsti- ja kultuuriasutustele, kes hetkel hädasti rahalist toetust vajavad. Iga euro loeb!

Three works directed by Sashko Protyah, created by the NGO “Freefilmers”, will be shown at

The team is gathering financial support in order to help the refugees and the military in Ukraine locally. Currently Sashko Protyah, whose films will be screened this Wednesday at, managed to flee his hometown Mariupol further to Eastern Ukraine. Other filmmakers from the collective are still in Mariupol. All of the gathered money will be transferred directly to the collective.


• “Я” / “I”, 2022•
short experimental video, 3 min
Life of the vandal Danil in 26 arborglyphs (graffiti on the bark of trees). Created together with the teenagers in the Eastern Ukraine.

•"Шо шо?" / "Sho sho?", 2018•
short documentary, 25 min
About the importance of dialogue and tolerance in the East of Ukraine. The filmmakers team is walking around the cities talking to the passersby about language and understanding.

•“Життя поза резюме” / “Life outside CV”, 2019•
documentary, 45 min
Film about labour and art in contemporary Ukraine.

NGO “Freefilmers” is a collective of artists and filmmakers from Mariupol. Focusing on promotion of independent filmmaking in Eastern Ukraine, they are raising the issues of struggle for equality and freedom and providing the platform for experiments beyond the system.

Sashko Protyah, artist and co-founder of the movement, lives and works mostly in Mariupol. His main interest is a topic of quotidian experience and its transformations due to political and technological changes. As the artist claims himself, his films are anthropological explorations, epistemologies of human life.

Tickets (min 5 EUR, you can choose as much as you want to donate):

A letter from the collective asking for the financial support with the bank details where all the raised funds will be transferred:

More about the collective and the team: