Bruntsfield Primary Stage Club make their WORLD STAGE DEBUT in March 2025 in our first ever STAGE CLUB production of LITTLE ORPHAN AGGIE.
We are thrilled to be producing our first show with an incredible cast of 60 from Bruntsfield.
For those that don't know what we do - let us explain - Stage Club takes original stories and puts a modern/local spin on them. Expect updated songs, funny acting and awesome dances.
Our aim is to put on a FULL SCALE PROUDUCTION in a professional theatre.
LITTLE ORPHAN AGGIE takes the best bits from the original film, Broadway phenomenal and the remixed songs from over the years and makes a BRAND NEW show for our students.
Miss Brannigan runs the Oxgangs Orphanage, and not very well to put it lightly. Daddy Warburton the local celebrity and entrepreneur is looking for a child to stay with him to help improve his image. When his assistant Gracie returns with Aggie - the story takes some twists & turns!
Do you remember in the original film when she visits a circus? nope? That's because it only happens in OUR VERSION of this classic tale.
Come and join us as we take you on a wonderful journey of friendship & family, working to achieve your goals and always believing that THE SUN WILL COME OUT TOMORROW.
Support BPSC as they make their debut performance on the Church Hill stage in March 2025.
Please do not leave single seats in the middle of rows when booking your reserved seating. If needed, we shall edit your allocated seats and email to confirm.