Estonian Wind Energy Conference 2023

Thursday 2. February 2023 at 09:30 - 17:30 EET

Mektory, Tallinn · Online


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Estonia is on its way to becoming a wind energy country. At what stage are our onshore and offshore wind farms? What is the latest technology?
Join us and find the answers!

WEB broadcast

Eero Raun will moderate the conference.



9.30-9.40 Aavo Kärmas, Chairman of the Board of the Estonian Wind Power Association and CEO at Enefit Green

9.40- 9.50 Inaugural Greeting from the Ambassador MATSUMURA | Embassy of Japan in Estonia

9.50- 10.00 Özlem Canel, Netherlands Ambassador to Estonia bij Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken

Estonia's current situation

10.00-10.20 Kuido Kartau, Board Member, Saare Wind Energy

10.20-10.40 Lauri Ulm, Head of Wind Developments at Enefit Green

10.40-11.00 Andrus Zavadskis, Technical Manager, Utilitas Wind

11.00-11.20 Karl-Joonatan Kvell, Development Manager at Evecon

11.20-11.40 Stig Rogenbaum, Deputy Head of Global Business Development, Invest in Estonia "Estonian supply chain"

11.40-12.00 Nikon Vidjajev, Counsellor of Offshore Wind, Ministry of Economics Affairs "Plans of the Estonian Government"

12.00 - 13.00 Lunch

Science and technology development

13.00 -13.30 Ivo Palu, Tenured Associate Professor, Director - Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics, Taltech

13.30 - 13.45 Kristi Pool, CEO and Co-Founder at Inspirators! During the presentation I will explain practical examples how AI will help to increase energy production and introduce visual AI possibilities to increase safety.

13.45 - 14.15 Friedrich Koch, RWE Offshore Wind GmbH Lead Electrical Engineer "System Integration"

14.15 - 14.45 Markus Laukamp CEO Wind Grid
“Unlocking Estonian OSW potential through innovative Multi-Purpose-Interconnectors”

14.45 -15.30 David de Jager, Director at GROW,

GROW is a joint research programme in offshore wind that initiates research and accelerates innovations. GROW's strength lies in its ability to run focused, sequential and complementary RD&D activities.

Discussion: Edwin van de Brug (VanOord) and David de Jager (GROW) discuss Estonia's possibilities for introducing innovative technologies in constructing offshore wind parks.

15.30-15.35 Ken Kageyama, Greetings from Sumitomo Corporation
15.33- 15.50 Refreshment break from Sumitomo Corporation

15.50-16.10 Pawel Przybylski, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy Sp. z o.o.

16.10 - 16.30 Jaana Kurgpõld, Vestas Northern & Central EuropeVestas

Education and community

16.30-16.45 Neeme Rand, Headmaster at Kuressaare Regional Training Centre

16.45-17.00 Thea Tammeleht-Abraham, Head of Development Department of Pärnumaa Vocational Training Centre

17.00 -17.10 Closing of the conference

Terje Talv, CEO of EWPA and Mariel Leppik, student in Taltech

17.10 Reception By Netherland Embassy in Estonia

In front of the conference, there will be a mess area, where we will focus on new technologies this time.

Companies in mess area:

Great opportunity to meet Inspirators! & SparkCognition representatives and ask practical questions about AI and how you can benefit from it. We will present 2 products Renewable Energy Suite and Visual AI. At our stand we will show some practical examples of how AI can help owners and operators to increase the production from their current assets, and how to reduce O&M costs.

In January 2022, Vestas was named the most sustainable company in the world in the 18th annual Global 100 ranking published by Corporate Knights.

Enefit Green
We felt like photomontages were not enough in 2022. Thus, Enefit Green has developed a solution to visualize planned wind farms using virtual reality glasses. VR visualizations offer realistic views of how a wind farm would look like in a local natural environment. Video visualizations add a layer of context, such as wind whistling, trees moving and waves breaking.
We will be showcasing both onshore and offshore wind farms!

3D Wind Service and Sulzer Schmid Laboratories
The more wind turbines the quicker and more cost-effective inspection methods are required to keep them producing. Drones are the answer. Sulzer Schmid (SSL) has their cloud-based 3DX™ Blade Platform, which offers a fully transparent view of the blade health status of the entire fleet and allows customers to capture visual blade data using fully autonomous drones, process the images and generate highly customizable reports at a push of a button. 3DWS has inspected around 800 turbines using SSL technology. Come and see how it works.

Engineering bureau STEIGER is an independent consulting company founded in 2004, by now we are employing more than 50 specialists with higher education. Our main business has been providing geological, laboratory, engineering and environmental studies to the mining and energy industry. During the resent years we have also provided services for the onshore and offshore wind park developers, as the main investigation phase still lies ahead then we see a great potential to strengthen our foothold in the highly perspective renewables sector.

The Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) is an international financial institution owned by the eight Nordic-Baltic countries. NIB provides long-term financing to customers in both the private and public sectors on competitive market terms to complement commercial lending. The Bank’s mission is to finance projects that improve productivity and benefit the environment in the Nordic-Baltic region.

Mektory • Raja 15, 12618 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Google Map of Raja 15, 12618 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Eesti Tuuleenergia Assotsiatsioon

+372 5063583