Living in Discomfort

Friday 26. July at 19:00 - 22:00

Teaching London: LDBS SCITT • West End Lane 2, NW6 4NT London, England, United Kingdom

Online ticket sales has ended.

On July 26 at 19:00 in London, the scientific journalist Irina Yakutenko will give a lecture entitled "Living in Discomfort."

Why comfort and convenience of the modern world are the cause of a large number of human misfortunes and problems. How conscious rejection of it helps to solve them?

Often, we strive to avoid discomfort. Civilization, technological progress, and consumerism make our lives more convenient, pleasant, and comfortable. For every tiny unpleasant sensation, the modern world offers a thousand ways to avoid it, almost as if to provide us with psychological well-being and free our minds for more important and valuable tasks. But what is the reality?

Compared to the lives of not only primitive or medieval humans, but even to our grandparents, we live in incredible comfort – yet the share of depressions, anxiety, and anhedonia only continues to rise. Paradoxically, the potential to pull us out of melancholy and apathy is not through an increase in comfort and well-being, but exactly the opposite. That is, discomfort. It serves as a powerful stimulus for growth and development, helping us become stronger in every sense and achieve things we couldn't even dream of before.

All of this will be discussed in Irina Yakutenko's lecture in London.
The lecture will be held in Russian on July 26th at 19:00 at Teaching London: LDBS SCITT, West End Lane 2.**

Irina Yakutenko is a molecular biologist, scientific journalist, author of the books "Willpower and Self-Control: How Genes and the Brain Prevent Us from Fighting Temptations" and "The Virus That Broke the Planet," creator of the popular Telegram channel "Willow Masons" and the author's YouTube channel about a scientific perspective on ordinary things.

Teaching London: LDBS SCITT • West End Lane 2, NW6 4NT London, England, United Kingdom

Google Map of West End Lane 2, NW6 4NT London, England, United Kingdom