Guided tour of the Bilbao Cemetery. General route.

Sunday 23. June 2024 at 11:30 - 14:00

It is recommended to be at the entrance to the Cemetery 10 minutes before the start of the guided tour.

Bilbao Cemetery, Zamudio

All tickets have been sold out

During the visit, we will take a general tour of the history, culture and legends that accompany this historic site where, in addition to seeing the most important parts that make up the cemetery, such as the main entrance , the different buildings, the Chapel, pantheons, tombs, decorative elements, etc., we will learn about relevant aspects of the life and death of anonymous people with unique stories and illustrious people who contributed as politicians, thinkers, scientists, etc., to the knowledge and the culture of our town.

This visit is also offered adapted for groups of deaf people and those with hearing disabilities, with a Spanish sign language interpreter, upon request.

Bilbao Cemetery • Santimami Auzoa, 4, 48170 Zamudio, Biscay, Spain

Google Map of Santimami Auzoa, 4, 48170 Zamudio, Biscay, Spain

Bilbao Zerbitzuak

944 231 019