Guided tour of the Bilbao Cemetery. Singular women.

It is recommended to be at the entrance to the Cemetery 10 minutes before the start of the guided tour.

Bilbao Cemetery • Bilbao Cemetery Santimami Auzoa, 4, 48170 Zamudio, Biscay, Spain

Join us on this visit to learn about the life and work of some women who stood out in their time. We will learn about his contributions to culture, science, art and society. Women who paved the way and left their mark, women fighters, philanthropists, entrepreneurs, writers, artists...

Each story reveals the courage, struggle and determination of women who, although sometimes forgotten by official history, are essential to understanding our history.

Bilbao Cemetery Santimami Auzoa, 4, 48170 Zamudio, Biscay, Spain

Google Map of Bilbao Cemetery Santimami Auzoa, 4, 48170 Zamudio, Biscay, Spain

Bilbao Zerbitzuak

944 231 019