Attachment Theory and the Mythology Surrounding It

Sunday 18. February 2024 at 19:00 - 21:00

IMAGE THEATER • Národní 25, Prague, Czechia

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On February 18th, the famous family psychologist Lyudmila Petranovskaya will give a lecture in Prague titled 'Attachment Theory and the Mythology Surrounding It'. The lecture will discuss the role of relationships with adults in a child's development, as well as what the theory does not imply (despite common misconceptions).

The 'optics' of attachment theory truly help adults better understand children and feel more confident, happy, and assured in their roles as parents or mentors. However, the theory of attachment does not suggest that one should 'dedicate themselves to children', or that 'nothing should be forbidden to a child', or that 'if something is done wrong, the child will be traumatized'.

Attachment theory is not about finding ways to make a child a successful project or a whimsical 'snowflake'. It is about how we can be together, how we can create conditions of support and care, where the child can grow and become themselves, and where the parent can truly become an adult.

After the lecture, Lyudmila Petranovskaya will answer questions from the audience.

Lyudmila Petranovskaya is a family psychologist, author of numerous books ('The Secret Support: Attachment in a Child's Life', 'If the Child is Difficult', 'Selfmama: Lifehacks for a Working Mom', etc.), and articles. She has been involved in the care of orphaned children and works with adoptive parents, as well as conducting seminars for professionals.

The meeting will be conducted in Russian on February 18th at 19:00 at the Image Theatre, located at Národní 25.

IMAGE THEATER • Národní 25, Prague, Czechia

Google Map of Národní 25, Prague, Czechia