The Brain is Manipulating You: Critical Thinking for Russell's Teapots

Friday 7. June at 19:00 - 22:00

Four Elements Hotel Amsterdam • Bert Haanstrakade 1074, Amsterdam, Netherlands

All tickets have been sold out.

On June 7th at 7:00 pm in Amsterdam, biologist Alexander Panchin will give a lecture titled "The Brain is Manipulating You: Critical Thinking for Russell's Teapots."

During the lecture, Alexander Panchin will entertainingly discuss the errors in thinking that often underlie common misconceptions and pseudoscience.

The lecture's goal is to encourage more reflection on the correctness of our reasoning and arguments that we hear from others.

Alexander Panchin: "If I were given exactly one and a half hours, across all educational institutions in the world, to increase rationality on a planetary scale, I would give this lecture."

Alexander Panchin holds a candidate degree in biological sciences, is a laureate of the "Enlightener" award, author of novels and popular science books, a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Commission on combating pseudoscience and the board of the "Evolution" enlightenment fund, and the author of a popular YouTube channel.

The lecture will be in Russian and is suitable for adults and children.

The event will take place in Russian on June 7th at 7:00 pm at Four Elements Hotel Amsterdam located Bert Haanstrakade 1074.

Four Elements Hotel Amsterdam • Bert Haanstrakade 1074, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Google Map of Bert Haanstrakade 1074, Amsterdam, Netherlands