Fredag 7. februar klokken 16:00 - Søndag 9. februar klokken 17:00
Salty Pines Studio • Lagveien 38, 1450 Nesoddtangen, Akershus, Norge
In every woman lives a wild feminine power- a power that is longing for freedom and true expression. It has been suppressed for so long- for generations back. It has been violated, raped, diminished and shamed. It is now time for us to end this cycle and rebirth into what was always there- the divine feminine source.
In every woman there is a story, of how the divine feminine energy diminished inside of us, slowly, piece by piece by events that have happened to us in life- caused by parents, sisters, classmates, lovers, strangers or people dear to our hearts; society in general and what we believed in was true- about us as girls growing up to become women.
In every woman there is a longing to explore what her presence would be like, if she was free from all her past wounds. But to become free, she needs to go that path of meeting her own shadow, her own voice, her own shame or body hate formed by her past.
As a safe group of sisters, we will hold space for everything that needs to come up. Here there is no comparison - the energy of the divine feminine will look so different, and has so many shapes, forms, goes in cycles and shifts with layers peeled off. And with that we are sisters who support each other’s path.
Let her awaken and mature into her wildness with grace.
The Sauna (and ice bath in the ocean) is on one hour before we start every day!
Friday: 16.00-19.00
Saturday: 14.00-18.00
Sunday: 13.00-17.00
Price 2500kr
To register send a message to [email protected] with full name.
My name is Teresa. Three years ago, the seed of Healing with Heels was planted in me. A deep journey started into my own shame and shadows as a woman that I thought was pretty wild and untamed. I got to know the constant voice of self judgement, body parts that I could not look at in the mirror, how much I was “working” for a flat tummy and how much fear I had of being too much. I was scared of jealousy, of anger, of misunderstandings, of men in general not being safe. I have tried to make myself smaller. Then the rebell in me has tried to make myself bigger. And that has been the dance of fear or fight in my system for as long I can remember.
Three years later the process is still going on, with peeling off layers of things in my system that is holding myself back- from letting the wild divine feminine flow free. But with time I have learned to listen to her and let her always become a bigger version of herself.
I want to share with you a space where YOU can plant your Healing with heels seed- in a space where you are safe to explore your own version of the divine feminine energy-
if it’s the Slut- the Madonna or anything in between.
Salty Pines Studio • Lagveien 38, 1450 Nesoddtangen, Akershus, Norge