Pühapäev, 9. juuni kell 09:00 - Kolmapäev, 12. juuni 2024 kell 17:00
Kultuurikatel, Tallinn
Join Europe's Premier Innovation Conference! The 2024 ISPIM Innovation Conference titled "Local Innovation Ecosystems for Global Impact" takes place in Tallinn, Estonia from 9-12 June 2024.
Engage with fellow innovation professionals from academia, industry, consulting and the public sector in a truly diverse event with people attending from across the globe. Take part in workshops, hot-topic discussions and discussion panels as well as sessions on the latest academic research results and industry cases. Hear from leading innovation thought leaders and learn about the thriving innovation ecosystem in Estonia - and, of course, experience our great networking events at fantastic venues throughout this jewel of the Baltics!
The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) is a not-for-profit community of members from research, industry, consulting and the public sector, all sharing a passion for innovation management. Formed in Norway in 1983, ISPIM has 3,700 members in 100 countries and is the oldest, largest and most active innovation management network in Europe.
Regarding attending the conference, there is a special rate for Estonian delegates of €500 (+ VAT). For booking, click here.
Kultuurikatel • Kursi 3, 10415 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti