The Nomad's Odyssey – esitab Fin Ross Russell

Pühapäev, 17. veebruar 2019 kell 15:00 - 16:00

Uksed 14.30

Heldeke! • Tööstuse 13, Tallinn, Eesti

Piletimüük internetis on lõppenud.

"The Nomad's Odyssey" on luuleline monojutustus, mida esitab kirjanik ning esineja Fin Ross Russell. Etendues räägib Fin lugusid rännakutel kohatud inimestest ja nende vaadetest elule, armastusele ning inimkonnale. Tulemuseks on delikaatne publikuelamus, kus sõnadega manatake esile tundeid, mälestusi ning lootust.

Millal: P 17.02
Kell: 15:00-16:00
Vanus: 12+
Keel: inglise
Pilet: 6 € (eelmüügist ja ukeslt)

Kes on Fin Ross Russell?
Nii on ta endast kirjutanud: "Fin Ross Russell is a British/Sri-Lankan/Canadian all-round theatre maker confident with working at any level of the theatrical experience. Having graduated from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in June 2018, Fin's is aim is to create theatre that inspires people to create positive change within themselves (in whatever form that may take) as part of his brother-sister production company Island Life Productions. He is also striving towards this goal through his professional work both at Chichester Festival Theatre (where he is an Education Trainee) and the International Theatre Institute (where he is Co-director of the British centre & Communications Director of the Network for Emerging Arts Professionals (ITI NEAP))."

Heldeke! • Tööstuse 13, Tallinn, Eesti

Google Map of Tööstuse 13, Tallinn, Eesti
