Jazz í Djúpinu // BÖSS

Thursday 13. June at 20:30 - 21:30

Djúpið • Hafnarstræti 15, 101, 101 Reykjavík, Reykjavíkurborg, Iceland

Online ticket sales has ended.


BÖSS er hljómsveit sem gaf á síðasta ári út plötuna Fagnaðarerindi. Hljómsveitin spilar sjaldan saman því meðlimir búa tvist og bast um heiminn. Vinsamlega nýtið þetta góða tækifæri til að koma á tónleikana hjá BÖSS.

Hrafnkell Örn - trommur
Mikael Máni - gítar
Þórður Sigurðarson - hljómborð
Birkir Blær - sax

Hljómsveitin gaf út live tónleikavideo þann 26. apríl 2024 sem nálgast má á YouTube

“BÖSS is clearly not a typical Nordic jazz band. The diverse backgrounds and versatility of its musicians make it a kind of uplifting and unpretentious prog-fusion-jazz, far from being nostalgic or relying on the familiar clichés of dark, reserved, or melancholic Nordic jazz. BÖSS’ gospel offers rich and vivid, playful and dramatic stories that highlight the camaraderie of this band and the fun it had composing and playing the music.”

Tónleikaröðin Jazz í Djúpinu fer fram á fimmtudagskvöldum kl. 20:30 sumarið 2024. Djúpið er kjallarinn á veitingastaðnum Hornið (Hafnarstræti 15, 101 Reykjavík). Inngangur í Djúpið er að aftan, til móts við Bæjarins beztu. Inngangurinn í kjallarann opnar kl. 20:00. Miðaverð er 3.000 ISK, miðar eru seldir við innganginn og í forsölu. Tónleikaröðin eru skipulögð af Jazzdeild FÍH og er styrkt af Menningarsjóði FÍH, Miðborgarsjóði og Borgarsjóði. Athugið að ekki er hjólastólaaðgengi á staðnum.


BÖSS is a band that released the album "Fagnaðarerindi" last year. The band rarely performs together as its members live scattered around the world. Please take this opportunity to attend BÖSS's concert.

Hrafnkell Örn - drums
Mikael Máni - guitar
Þórður Sigurðarson - keyboards
Birkir Blær - saxophone

The band released a live concert video on April 26, 2024, which can be found on YouTube.

“BÖSS is clearly not a typical Nordic jazz band. The diverse backgrounds and versatility of its musicians make it a kind of uplifting and unpretentious prog-fusion-jazz, far from being nostalgic or relying on the familiar clichés of dark, reserved, or melancholic Nordic jazz. BÖSS’ gospel offers rich and vivid, playful and dramatic stories that highlight the camaraderie of this band and the fun it had composing and playing the music.”

The concert series Jazz í Djúpinu takes place on Thursday evenings at 20:30 during the summer of 2024. Djúpið is the basement of the restaurant Hornið (Hafnarstræti 15, 101 Reykjavík). Entrance to Djúpið is at the back, opposite the hot dog stand Bæjarins Beztu. The basement entrance opens at 20:00. The ticket price is 3.000 ISK, and tickets are sold at the entrance and online. The concert series is organized by Iceland Jazz and is supported by the Cultural Fund of FÍH and City Funds of Reykjavík. The place is not accessible for wheelchairs.

Djúpið • Hafnarstræti 15, 101, 101 Reykjavík, Reykjavíkurborg, Iceland

Google Map of Hafnarstræti 15, 101, 101 Reykjavík, Reykjavíkurborg, Iceland

Iceland Jazz
