Thursday 21. March at 08:00 - Friday 22. March 2024 at 23:00
Paralelní Polis, Prague 7
Welcome to the upcoming Ynput Community Summit.
Limited to 40 people. Get hands-on, working in groups to improve what’s inside AYON. Joined by the Ynput team, participants will have the opportunity to tackle AYON related problems with two sessions in the day. Fed and watered, this day is for those who want a closer involvement with the Ynput team. Just bring good vibes, and we’ll supply the pipeline with endless coffee and lunch!
8:30 - Registration and sign-in
9:10 - Opening remarks and moderated networking
A chance to meet all of the participants and get to know each other with an ice-breaker.
10:00 - First workshop session
Split into 8 teams of 6 people each, consisting of 5 participants + 1 Ynput team member per group.
13:00 - Buffet lunch is served (included in your pass)
14:00 - Re-group with second work session
17:00 - Wrap-up with presentations of what was achieved
18:00 - End of day
Join us for a day dedicated to production, pipeline, and technology in animation and VFX, featuring keynotes, presentations, and group discussions about creative workflows and the latest in AYON’s roadmap. Gain insights from industry experts on leveraging pipelines in studio projects, and engage in Birds of a Feather discussions in parallel tracks. Enjoy food and drinks throughout the day, culminating in a closing reception with an open bar.
9:00 Sign-in and welcome drinks
Badge and swag pickup, Coffee and Tea
10:00 - Welcome keynote
10:45 - AYON vision and roadmap
11:30 - New AYON Integrations
12:30 - Buffet lunch served (included in your pass)
14:00 - Roy Nieterau (Colorbleed Studio)
Adopting openUSD with AYON and Houdini
14:45 - Gabor Marinov (Moonrock Studio)
Pixels Beyond Proximity - Remote workflow with AYON
15:20 - Kamayya Gupta Vinnakota
Product design and creation pipelines
16:10 - Birds of a Feather style group sessions
17:15 - Panel Discussion: AYON Governance
18:00 - Buffet dinner and drinks reception (included in your pass)
Please note that the agenda is tentative and subject to change; we recommend checking back regularly for the latest updates.
Paralelní Polis • Delnicka 43, 170 00 Prague 7, Hlavní město Praha, Czechia