Saturday 25. May 2024 at 13:00 - 16:00
Tartu Kirjanduse Maja suur saal
This workshop explores the “alone together” through writing, seeing it as a collaborative practice rather than some magic genius activity carried out in complete solitude. Through playful exercises we will practice sharing ideas and asking each other for support. We will carefully examine how to allow co-thinkers into the space we create through our texts.
It is not necessarily a writing workshop. It’s a being-together workshop where we also write. This workshop is not just welcoming writers, but people who are open to learning through the activity of using letters, words, pens, and paper.
Duration: 3 hours
Language: English
With any questions regarding the accessibility of the workshop, turn directly to [email protected]
The workshop takes place at Tartu Kirjanduse Maja. The building is not wheelchair accessible.
Tartu Kirjanduse Maja suur saal • Vanemuise 19, 51003 Tartu, Tartumaa, Estonia