Using psychology in your work: putting persuasion into practice

Wednesday 25. November 2020 at 14:00 - 16:00

Online, link will be sent to ticket holders

Online ticket sales has ended

During this workshop, Mischa Coster will guide you in the process of effectively applying psychological insights into a real-life case. His approach is based upon the evidence-based Intervention Mapping approach. Using this approach, you will systematically go through the entire process of making your design, website, e-mail or other production as persuasive as possible. From determining your behavioral goals to selecting and implementing psychological persuasion techniques; you will go through all the stages.

We will be working in small groups on real-life cases that you, the participants, bring to the table. The workshop will be a fast-paced alternation between listening to theory and tips and applying them in real life and getting feedback.
After this workshop you will have successfully gone through the entire ‘persuasion’ process and will be able to apply this process and insights in your daily practice.

WUD Estonia
