Friday 17. March 2023 at 11:00 - 14:00
Liisa Pentti +Co Studio, Helsinki
In the workshop, choreographer Silke Z. presents her artistic working method in the context of her production "WE" which is the first part of the multi-year project "The empathetic body".
The performance WE deals with the question of personal qualities as a precondition for an encounter. In the workshop, the participants will be guided in developing biographical movement material and exploring it in different interpersonal and choreographic contexts. In a playful and performative setting, labels, self- descriptions and attributions to others will be explored and developed. The practical result will be transformed into a common vocabulary on empathy through different methods of reflection.
Language: English.
Duration: 3 hours
Silke Z. is artistic director of the company Silke Z. resistdance and the transgenerative ensemble die metabolisten in Cologne. She develops and programs dance and performance art in Germany and abroad. Silke Z. directs the ehrenfeldstudios, a transgenerative and interdisciplinary production and work space for independent dance in Cologne.
Silke Z.'s work is a constantly changing, transdisciplinary space of thought and action - with a focus on dance and performance, she observes people, society(s) and their movement processes and shifts. The collaboration of different artists, dancers, thinkers, producers, acquisition and office staff allows to examine social and individual movements heterogeneously, looking at them from different perspectives.
In 2020 she started the multi-year project "The Empathic Body" which includes stage productions, installative and participatory performance projects, dance films, research and mediation formats for all generations.
Photo: Claudia Grünig
Liisa Pentti +Co Studio • Laivakatu 5 K, 4th floor, 00150 Helsinki, Finland