Walking through a New Wilderness

Monday 27. May at 14:00 - 14:45

Glenhoul Brae Holiday Cottage and Leeming and Paterson • Glenhoul Brae Holiday Cottage and Leeming and Paterson, Scotland, United Kingdom

Online ticket sales has ended.

Studio 54 of Spring Fling is at the amazing Leeming & Paterson workshop, celebrating 15 years of their ongoing 'Zero Footprint' immersive experience which explores home, place and the environment.
Inside the house, artists Leeming & Paterson will be showcasing a range of photographic and alternative artistic outputs from across the years.
The studio is set on a 10 acre site which has itself also been on a journey over the last 15 years, with the arrival of pioneer tree species and developing a real wilderness feel.
Before or after you visit the studio, why not join McNabb from Dumfries & Galloway Woodlands on a short walk, discussing changes that have taken place, how we see the word 'Wilderness', and ending with some truly fabulous views of the Galloway Hills from the top of the site.
The walking route is on a constructed track, grassy in places, and occasionally steep but relatively easy to travel along. Please bring suitable footwear and clothing to be outdoors.
The event will take the format of 'walk and occasionally stop to talk', lasting less than 45 minutes. The group will walk slowly with frequent breaks. Total distance walked is approx. 1km.
Tickets are free and booking is requested just to manage numbers.
For more information about the new Dumfries & Galloway Woodlands Organisation (SCIO 052525), please visit www.dgwoodlands.org.uk., or follow us on social media.

Glenhoul Brae Holiday Cottage and Leeming and Paterson, Scotland, United Kingdom

Google Map of Glenhoul Brae Holiday Cottage and Leeming and Paterson, Scotland, United Kingdom