Saturday 1. June at 22:00 - Sunday 2. June 2024 at 07:00
Planet Park • Haachtsesteenweg 1385, 1130 Brussel, Brussel, Belgium
<< Vostock >>
Before the skate park of Planet park will be demolished, we're transforming it into a ravey Tony Hawck mayhem.
➤ Practicals
-- Three presale waves, limited door sale
-- 21+ event
➤ Line Up
-- Laze
-- Mani Festo
-- VCR
-- Jessen
➤ Zero tolerance policy for any kind of harassment or discrimination.
-- Open and inclusive environment
-- Know your limits, take responsibility, and watch over friends and people around
-- Find crew wearing glowing red bands for discreet help. If you see something, say something
➤ Financial challenges should never prevent participation in our events.
If you're in a tough spot, contact us at [email protected], and we'll find a solution
Planet Park • Haachtsesteenweg 1385, 1130 Brussel, Brussel, Belgium