Vostock Takeover - La Vallée

Saturday 29. April at 18:00 - Sunday 30. April 2023 at 04:00

First part will be open air only in case of good weather

LaVallée, Bruxelles

Online ticket sales has ended

<< Vostock >>

  • instagram.com/vostock__
  • facebook.com/groups/vostockouter

With spring around, we'll take over La Vallée starting with an open air part on the court in the afternoon in case weather allows it, building up to the main part inside.

➤ Line Up

-- Umbra


-- Phil


-- Ava Eva


-- Johan Vosto


Entrance fees help make our events sustainable, but we never want a lack of money to be the reason why someone can't attend. So if you're in a difficult spot, email [email protected] for a free ticket, no questions asked.
(only granted before the last ticket wave)

LaVallée • Rue Adolphe Lavallée 39, 1080 Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium

Google Map of Rue Adolphe Lavallée 39, 1080 Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium