Guided tour of the Bilbao Cemetery. A cemetery with art.

It is recommended to be at the entrance to the Cemetery 10 minutes before the start of the guided tour.

Bilbao Cemetery • Bilbao Cemetery Santimami Auzoa, 4, 48170 Zamudio, Biscay, Spain

In this tour we focus on the architectural, artistic and landscape aspects to help us trace the artistic and stylistic changes in the last 120 years of history, as well as to point out important singular burials due to their heritage relevance.

In addition, as an open-air monument, the complex is of botanical and environmental interest, so we will comment on some examples loaded with great symbolism, which give it meaning and solemnity.

Bilbao Cemetery Santimami Auzoa, 4, 48170 Zamudio, Biscay, Spain

Google Map of Bilbao Cemetery Santimami Auzoa, 4, 48170 Zamudio, Biscay, Spain

Bilbao Zerbitzuak

944 231 019