Guided tour of the Bilbao Cemetery. Deciphering the cemetery: symbols and images

It is recommended to be at the entrance to the Cemetery 10 minutes before the start of the guided tour.

Bilbao Cemetery • Bilbao Cemetery Santimami Auzoa, 4, 48170 Zamudio, Biscay, Spain

This visit invites us to explore the cemetery in search of the rich and fascinating funerary iconography that decorates the tombs and monuments. Through symbols and images, a visual language is revealed that speaks of life, death and spirituality.

With each step, we will discover how cultures and eras have used funerary art to pay tribute to the deceased, creating a link between the world of the living and that of the dead.

Bilbao Cemetery Santimami Auzoa, 4, 48170 Zamudio, Biscay, Spain

Google Map of Bilbao Cemetery Santimami Auzoa, 4, 48170 Zamudio, Biscay, Spain

Bilbao Zerbitzuak

944 231 019