Fresh Finds from Viljandi - Kärt Koppel "See pealkiri on ainult sõnad"

Friday 3. June 2022 at 21:00 - 22:30

Kanuti Gildi SAAL

Online ticket sales has ended

This title is just words
This here is just an event
Semiotic chill celebrating cancel-culture and cancelling everlasting celebration. are the easter’s chocolate bunnies already on the grocery shelves or can we still get national themed sweets from sale. where do we draw the lines between signified and signifier. at which point did we lose valentine’s cards and why has halloween replaced st. martin’s and st. catherine’s day. what do one’s signifiers say about them. when are we drinking champagne, what about pitcher and vodka. how has the title become more important than the content. with whom do we go to a party, a reception or a public ceremony. how do we behave at a wedding, a funeral, a christening. who is in charge of checking the validity of quotes. why does christmas equal a tree, birthdays equal a cake and shrove tuesday equal a sweet roll but not with sledding. what is blablaism.
We don’t have answers to these questions - but we do have something else…

Kärt Koppel is a young performance artist, whose main working method is search. Search for anything, as it seems to be the best medicine against ignorance. She is interested in peripheral areas between pop culture and fine arts, which she investigates through text, social media and performing arts. Her diploma piece “This title is just words” and solo “Nowadays Romanovs: a brief history of influencerkind” could be described as geek-art. She writes a monthly column “About dance without dance” in Tantsu KuuKiri and is part of a performance art group Unholy Trinity. Kärt’s works are ideas, concepts and manipulations of forms, which are stewed in office-aesthetics.

On stage: Kärt Koppel, Karin Allik, Isabel Laiapea, Heneliis Notton, Siret Siim
Advice: Ruslan Stepanov
Co-production: TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia
Thank You: Joonatan Kivi, Martin Mänd ja Kris-Katry Kohv

Duration: 80'

In Estonian

Single tickets presale 6/8 EUR and on the door 8/10 EUR
Day pass 3.06 (two shows) presale 10/12 EUR and on the door 12/14 EUR
Day pass 4.06 (three shows) presale 14/16 EUR and on the door 16/18 EUR
Day pass 5.06 (three shows) presale 14/16 EUR and on the door 16/18 EUR

Full pass only presale 25/28 EUR

Kanuti Gildi SAAL • Pikk tn 20, Tallinn, Estonia

Google Map of Pikk tn 20, Tallinn, Estonia

Kanuti Gildi SAAL