Friday 14. February at 18:00 - 21:00
Computer History Museum Slovenia • Celovška cesta 111, 1000 Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Ob pridušeni svetlobi, s pridihom romantične nostalgije, nam bodo na Valentinov večer, 14. 2. 2025, od 18. do 21. ure srca ritmično utripala v pixel grafiki ob retro igralnih izkušnjah.
To bo večer, ko vam bo dovoljeno, da se zaljubite…❣️❣️❣️
…v iskrenost retro konzol in iger za DOS, o katerih ste slišali pripovedovati druge, ki ste jih igrali v mladosti, ali pa jih (še vedno na skrivaj) igra vaša boljša polovica.
Skozi večer pa bo potekal tudi poseben retro-igričarski turnir za unikatno Valentinovo zlato disketo. 🕹️📺
Pocrkljajte se z nepozabnim Valentinovim v Računalniškem muzeju, ki je del kulturne četrti Šiška. Zagotovite si vstopnice S POPUSTOM za dogodek v spletni predprodaji.
(Vse igralne konzole so originali iz naše zbirke. Pridržujemo si pravico do sprememb pri naboru konzol/iger, če bo kakšna nagajala zaradi svoje spoštljive starosti.)
Igre / The games:
🎮 2x Game Boy: Tetris
💣 3x MS-DOS PC: Arcade Volleyball, Dynablaster (Bomberman), Hexxagon
🫧 Arkadnik: Bubble Bobble
🦁 Sega Genesis (Mega Drive): The Lion King & Disney's Aladdin
🏁 Super Nintendo: Mario Kart & Donkey Kong Country
🎾 Nintendo 64: Mario Tennis & Diddy Kong Racing
🦔 Sega Dreamcast: Sega Smash Pack Volume 1
🤑 Nintendo GameCube: WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Party Game$!
🧱 NES Classic Edition: Tetris
On the evening of Valentine's Day, February 14, 2025, from 6 PM to 9 PM, under soft lighting with a touch of romantic nostalgia, our hearts will rhythmically beat in pixel graphics, accompanied by retro gaming experiences.
This will be an evening where you're allowed to fall in love with the honesty of retro consoles and DOS games – the ones you’ve heard others talk about, played in your youth, or perhaps (secretly) still play with your significant other.
Throughout the evening, there will also be a special retro-gaming tournament for a unique Valentine's Day golden floppy disk.
Treat yourself to an unforgettable Valentine's experience at the Computer Museum, located in the cultural district of Šiška. Get your tickets WITH A DISCOUNT in presales.
(All game consoles are original exhibits from the 80s and 90s. We reserve the right to replace the consoles/games with different ones if technical difficulties arise due to their respectable age.)
Computer History Museum Slovenia • Celovška cesta 111, 1000 Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia