Unpacking Courage - The missing element in Leadership today

Friday 21. June at 08:30 - 11:30

Door opens at 8:15

Center for Library and Cultural Services • Palackého 4995, 430 01 Chomutov 1, Ústecký kraj, Czechia

Online ticket sales has ended.

Join us for a three hour thought provoking workshop to explore courage in leadership.

This is the first in our workshop series that intends to spark ideas, challenge the way we think about Human Resources, Organisational Development and Leadership and inspire change within and around us.

WHO is this workshop for?

This workshop is for senior HR and OD professionals who are responsible for leadership development, culture, performance, organisational development and whose aim is to grow and evolve personally and in their professional roles.

If you are serious about developing courageous, dynamic leadership teams and co-creating conscious organisations, this program is for you!

WHY should you attend?

As the global business environment continues to grow more and more uncertain, the requirements for success are also changing at an accelerating rate. Leaders need to be equipped to make courageous and highly conscious decisions in order to effectively navigate the challenges placed before them.

And you, HR and OD people, are the ones who often feel the challenge first. The pressure is often on you!

If you take your HR / OD role seriously and this is your true career path, you need to look after yourself, both personally and professionally. It is important to regularly stop, acknowledge where you are, re-focus on what you want and what is really important to you.

By immersing yourself into a thought-provoking topic and accepting the challenge to think differently, you open the possibility for new choices, evolution, and growth.

And in creative environments, surrounded by people upon a similar path, inspiring and unexpected ideas often emerge.

At our workshops, you will find exactly that; focused time, challenge, inspiration and new connections.

WHAT can you expect?

At this workshop we will challenge our existing assumptions, paradigms, mindset, and beliefs about leadership and courage.

The program is interactive and continually returns the focus onto the participant - YOU! It is about understanding and ultimately finding the ways to recognise, develop and support courageous leadership in the 21st century. 

The workshop will be presented in English.

Group size is strictly limited to ensure an engaging and interactive 3hr session. "Early Bird" tickets are available.

Workshop presenters:

Indra Reinpuu

Indra is a tertiary qualified educator, coach, author, and speaker who has been working in the fields of personal coaching, building cultures of success, team optimisation and raising consciousness for over 30 years. He pioneered the South Australian Personal Training industry and has coached elite sporting teams up to the Olympic level. In his unique work he utilises the transformational capacity of symbols, deep mindfulness, and a wide variety of innovative developmental methodologies.

Indra is a Partner in Barefoot Leadership, a global change and transformation business consultancy.

Karolina Maya

Karolina is an international expert in organisational change, people engagement and corporate transformation. She has held senior HR, organisational development, operational and strategic leadership roles in both regional and multi-national corporations in Europe, the US, Canada and the Asia-Pacific. Karolina’s career in this field spans over 30 years with extensive experience in insurance, banking, manufacturing, engineering and consulting industries.

Karolina is a Founder and Partner in Barefoot Leadership, a global change and transformation business consultancy.

To find out more about us, go to https://www.barefootleadership.eu

Center for Library and Cultural Services • Palackého 4995, 430 01 Chomutov 1, Ústecký kraj, Czechia

Google Map of Palackého 4995, 430 01 Chomutov 1, Ústecký kraj, Czechia

Barefoot Leadership

