SWITCHOVER 2024 festival pass

Tuesday 21. May at 18:00 - Saturday 25. May 2024


Online ticket sales has ended


Performing Arts Festival in Tartu

The festival pass guarantees a ticket to 6 performances over 5 days. The limited early bird pass with an extra good price is available until midday on the 8th of April.

For single tickets go →→→HERE ←←←

Performing arts festival Switchover (Ümberlülitus) is coming to Tartu for a whole week in May to collectively switch over before summer. The third edition of the festival gathers moments that make you forget the fourth wall ever existed. Moments where you enter the space as strangers, but by the end of the performance it feels like you've been taking the same bus to work with everyone else in the audience years. Moments where there is plenty of room for excitement, exchange, intimacy and for the unknown.

The festival begins with Aunt Õie’s 65th Birthday by Urmas Lüüs, offering some domestic grotesque. This party is followed by Harald Beharie's provocatively queer Batty Bwoy, which has been presented at numerous European performing arts festivals. The following day, Mure Staatuse Pärast by Kertu Moppel, Arthur Arula, Lauri Kaldoja, Maria Lee Liivak, Elina Reinold and Markus Truup will take a critical look at social dynamics.

A year ago Stina Fors visited Tartu with her one-woman punk band. This year she will show off her vocal talents with her solo work A Mouthful of Tongues, which will leave even the most passive theater-goer speechless. After presenting her tender, raw and somewhat brutal work Me / Her as part of Kanuti Gildi SAAL’s short performance platform SAAL3, Anita Kremm will present an extended version of it in Tartu on 24 May. Kultuur by Maria Metsalu allows the audience to position themselves in the middle of the spectacle, in front of or behind it, both in city and theater space. On the last day of the festival Heneliis Notton’s workshop Alone Together questions whether writing should be a solitary activity, exploring it through playful exercises.



18:00 Urmas Lüüs Aunt Õie´s 65th birthday at Armastuse saal, Aparaaditehas
20:00 Harald Beharie Batty Bwoy at Turu 8 Sports complex


18:00 Urmas Lüüs Aunt Õie´s 65th birthday at Armastuse saal, Aparaaditehas
20:00 Kertu Moppel, Arthur Arula, Lauri Kaldoja, Maria Lee Liivak, Elina Reinold, Markus Truup Mure staatuse pärast at Tartu Uus Teater + artist talk


17:00 Urmas Lüüs Aunt Õie´s 65th birthday at Armastuse saal, Aparaaditehas + artist talk
20:00 Stina Fors A Mouthful of Tongues at Plantarium by Jardin


19:00 Anita Kremm Me / Her at Tiigi seltsimaja, Tiigi 11
21:00 Maria Metsalu Kultuur at Tartu Uus Teater


13:00-16:00 Heneliis Notton Alone Together - writing workshop at Tartu Kirjanduse maja
18:00 Maria Metsalu Kultuur at Tartu Uus Teater
21:00 Stina Fors A Mouthful of Tongues at Knorringu aadlimaja

Kanuti Gildi SAAL
