Sunday 12. May 2024 at 19:30 - 21:30
- We have many other shows. Please check .
Tokyo Comedy Bar (TCB), Shibuya
Tokyo’s #1 comedy show. Early reservation is STRONGLY recommended as it often sells out. Plus advanced purchase gets you 1000¥ off the door price.
Content Warning! This is a roast.
No holds barred and offense is very much intended!
The Roast Battle gods are smiling on us the month as we have a VERY special lineup:
RBL Tokyo vs RBL London
League MVP And current reigning London Champion SHALAK KURUP is facing Tokyo Champion JAY YAMAKI in the first ever Champ v Champ fight in Division history!
Also Tokyo Legend Harry “M*******g” Metcalf in his last Tokyo appearance. He faces NHK & Tik Tok Star “Sensei” BJ Fox.
Babush (ITA) vs Sam B (USA)
Chris Eric (USA) vs Ken (JPN)
The best battler in Europe vs the best battler in Asia. Plus 2 more amazing matchups and a firing squad of judges led by the former champ, Chief Justice Bill Miller. Absolute Fire.
Host: JJ Wakrat
Roast Battle is verbal boxing. Comedians engage in hilarious no-holds-barred insult battles. Roast Battle has been licensed for TV in the USA and UK on Comedy Central, and in Canada, Spain, and other countries.
Now in its second season, Roast Battle League (RBL) is a 16 city, 6 country Roast Battle League that brings together the best run competitive insult comedy shows from around the world.
RBL Tokyo is the only Official Roast Battle club in Asia and after selling out for 5 years, can also lay claim to being Japan’s #1 English language comedy show.
Early bird tix: ¥2000
Online General Admission: ¥3000
★About Tokyo Comedy Bar★
Tokyo Comedy Bar is the home for stand-up comedy in Japan, offering shows in both English & Japanese! And offering 8 taps of craft beer to boot! We have shows each night of the week, plus comedy courses to help you get started on the stage - check the schedule and come on down! We are easy to find too – just 30 secs from Shibuya station.
Directions/Map here:
We have English shows every night of the week. Please check the full schedule here:
Tokyo Comedy Bar (TCB) • 1-5-9, Dogenzaka, 150-0043 Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan