Sunday 5. November 2023 at 18:00 - 19:00
Genialistide Klubi, Tallinn
In this performance, a mother and a non-mother explore the idea of motherhood. They take a look at ‘other mothers’ – women who deviate from the standard paths of motherhood, because they are perceived as too young, too old, too sexy, too selfless, too adventurous, too independent, or too difficult. Sööt/Zeyringer have researched historical events and every-day situations to uncover hidden realities of otherness in motherhood. Some of the ‘unseemly’ mothers became victims of their circumstances, others could be called monsters, and some were just, well, not all perfect.
Deconstructing found texts and images, Tiina Sööt and Dorothea Zeyringer assemble a collection of mothers who put themselves first; mothers who give too much; mothers who refuse motherhood; mothers who go to space; and mothers who are literally made of shit. This delicate and angry performance dares to speak up about issues like unpaid care work, reproductive injustices, biological concepts of maternal love, and the absence of fathers.
The performance is in Englihs and lasts 50 minutes.
SÖÖT/ZEYRINGER is an artist duo that collaborates since 2012 and creates performative work situated at the intersection of visual arts, dance and theatre. Their live performances and video works are based on movement and language which are combined in rhythmical and poetic structures. In their work they try to find poetry, wit and absurdity in everyday acts, language and objects. Their works have been presented at brut Vienna, Tanzquartier Vienna, Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava Tallinn, Schauspiel Köln, Kunstraum Niederoesterreich and National Dance Center Bucharest among others. They received the ImPulsTanz TURBO residency, the Performing Arts Award by the Federal Chancellery of Austria and the Young Stoff award by the Stockholm Fringe. In 2018 they worked at the Fleetstreet Residency Hamburg and in 2019 they were part of the FREISCHWIMMEN production platform (brut Wien, FFT Düsseldorf, Gessnerallee Zürich, Schwankhalle Bremen, SOPHIENSÆLE Berlin and Theater Rampe Stuttgart).
Performance: Tiina Sööt, Dorothea Zeyringer
Technical support: Sebastian Talmar, Oskar Harding
Set, costume, and graphic design Daniela Grabosch
Artistic advisors and outside eyes Nora Jacobs, Claudia Lomoschitz
Estonian performance produced by Feministeerium, Rebeka Põldsam
Funded by the City of Vienna’s Department of Cultural Affairs and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Art, Culture, Civil Service and Sport. Estonian Cultural Endowment, European Union structure funds, Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs
Tickets 15/12€.
Genialistide Klubi • Pikk 20, 51005 Tallinn, Harjumaakond, Estonia