Barao sao miguel • Barao sao miguel, 8650 Vila do Bispo, Faro, Portugal
An exquisitely designed ceremony bringing home your inner girl to love , to wholeness, to the holiness she always was..
We will begin the ceremony with Dani's cacao as the medicine of the heart
Eartha will share profound understandings and teachings on the building of the sense of self, and the evolution of the soul that happens as we moved from girl to woman.. She will share how the awakening and changes of our hormones are in fact a spiritual journey , a spiritual awakening
These teachings will prepare the way for the temple of the heart ceremony During this ceremony we will be bringing your inner girls home to love.. with Eartha's own shamanic work she calls soul mending...a beautiful journey/meditation of recovery and reclamation through the devotion to your own holiness ...
the journey will be held within the trancendental sonic soundscape of the Indian Tanpura
Eartha spent her childhood with her identical twin sister immersed in mythology, shamanism , art and also deep trauma!
Her path has been self healing through deeply knowing and harnessing the dark night of the soul. She initiated herself through psychedelics as a young woman.. Eventually this path led her to her shamanic teachers, mostly women.. She was 27 when she met her first teacher who taught her astral travel and lucid dreaming.. She stopped at that moment ingesting any substances and began the journey of integration of her girlhood shamanic experiences through trauma, and her young woman shamanic experiences through psychedelics.. She then began studying shamanism for her own recovery. For nearly 30 years she trained and healed with shamanic practices...She had two daughters and began her work with rites of passage and mending the soul of the village.. see her work with girls and women here
she has many teachers, most indigenous elders grandmothers, including Aumrak Sapper, Eliana Harvey, Chati and the 13 indigenous grandmothers. She studied core shamanism with Eliana Harvey and went on to study advanced shamanic practices of the Andean Traditions, which is where her work with Prophecy and the New earth come from.
She works one to one guiding people through their personal initiations and dark nights , through into embodiment and integration.
4 years ago she experienced a shared death experience with her beloved who passed , which is similar to an near death experience .. She worked hard with her work of soul mending to integrate this experience of being in the afterlife and now holds people through death and dying for conscious living and awakening to love. Bringing heaven to Earth through embodiment of the soul.
She spent most of her adult life on the road, bringing her daughters up in a beautiful wooden lorry, living an indigenous life as much as she could. Living in reciprocity with all life through the heart.
She now has a one to one practice in the uk
and is building a temple for the new earth in Portugal
Barao sao miguel, 8650 Vila do Bispo, Faro, Portugal