Dance performance "Soledad"

Sunday 17. November 2024 at 18:00 - 18:50

Eesti Tantsuagentuuri teatrisaal, Tallinn

Online ticket sales has ended

,,Soledad’’ or ,,Loneliness’’ is a piece about the freedom that being alone gives us, but also about the barriers that we have to build between ourselves and the others. Being free inside our delimited space, we still have to face ourselves in its most direct and rawest form. Isolation in its duality could at the same time be calming and making us anxious, it could be a refuge or a motive for escaping it. Being a (flamenco) artist and spending hours upon hours alone, working on every small movement detail or sound, one also has to face their own doubts and fears. All this trouble just to later meet with other artists like themselves, enjoy and create together for a moment onstage and then disperse and go back to their familiar loneliness. But what makes some of us stay in isolation permanently?

,,Soledad’’ is a meeting place for flamenco culture and contemporary dance. Musicians from Spain, Canada and Estonia with a local flamenco dancer move through various stages and emotions created by loneliness.

Director, choreographer and performer: Ingrid Mugu
Dramaturgical consultant: Heili Lindepuu (ILIEH theater)
Musical design: Tjebbe Broek, Dennis Duffin, Indira Aparici Alcazar
Musicians: Dennis Duffin (flamenco and electric guitar), Indira Aparici Alcazar (vocals), Aneta Varts (percussion)
Stenography: Nele Sooväli
Lighting design: Chris Kirsimäe

Supported by: Ministry of Culture, Estonian Cultural Endowment, Estonian Centre of Folk Culture, Pakenditööstus, SPARSE Plus, Creative Europe

Duration: 50 min

Eesti Tantsuagentuuri teatrisaal • Hobujaama 12, 10117 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Google Map of Hobujaama 12, 10117 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Eesti Tantsuagentuur