sTARTUp AI - A Realistic View of AI

Thursday 13. December 2018 at 09:00 - 17:00

Doors open at 9.00. Program will start at 10.00.

V Conference Centre • Riia 2, Tartu, Estonia

All tickets have been sold out.

For the first time here in Tartu, we are going to bring AI topics to a wider stage and scale in order to have a realistic look at them. AI is advancing rapidly and the hype around it is really exciting. But, do we really know what it means to implement AI tools on our product or service? Are AI possibilities nice to have or must have parts of our businesses?

Dan Ariely has said that AI is something that everyone talks about, nobody really knows how to do it, everyone thinks everyone else is doing it, so everyone claims they are doing it. So let’s dive in and see what everybody is talking about!

On December 13, we are going to hear at least 9 case studies under the main topic “A realistic view of AI”. All together we have 5 subtopics which are taking AI implementing process in business into pieces and defining the challenges together with opportunities it entails. sTARTUp AI is an inspirational business event which leaves you with a clarity if AI tools are something for your business, what are the challenges you may encounter and how to overcome them. Moreover, based on practical use cases, we will have a new realistic approach to the AI related topics which will give us real insight of the industry. Hype around AI gets us all anxious but Estonian way is to keep things down to earth. Down to Earth in a positive and inspirational manner because AI is our future and our future in technology is definitely going to be a bright one.

sTARTUp AI is powered by Swedbank.

sTARTUp AI is part of sTARTUp Talks which in an official side-event series to sTARTUp Day. sTARTUp AI is brought to life by sTARTUp HUB.

V Conference Centre • Riia 2, Tartu, Estonia

Google Map of Riia 2, Tartu, Estonia

Cocoon Program