Stand-up • Łódź • Gaweł 'Gawel' Feliga - Gangrene • comedy in English

A rare chance to see a show in English, and from a seasoned comedian:
Gawel Feliga
& guests TBA
You probably don't know me, but that's ok, I haven't heard of you either. Join us, laugh, relax, and maybe meet some fellow expats, travelers, immigrants - whatever you choose to call yourself. I have been all three. Everyone is welcome!
Minor annoyances, major irritations, intrusive thoughts, but in joke form! Maybe a couple compulsive impressions.
Some crowd work, if the mood strikes, but not too much, this ain't self-checkout comedy.

Back again, returning to the stage one more time, with another debut.

The culmination of a couple years of material and about 40 years of experience with this - what do they call this again? Oh, Earth.

Expect to be surprised! Hold on, that doesn't...
Anyway, it's time to take this show on the road and let it feste- uh, fully develop. I missed y'all. Too much time in my home town, keep seeing the same two million faces.
Gaweł has been performing stand-up comedy for more years than he cares to count. An early adopter of the form in Polish, now returning to his roots to do stand-up in the language of Thing T. Thing (other lesser known examples: Mark Twain, Dan Brown).

Feliga has appeared several times on Comedy Central and other mainstream broadcasts, but don't hold it against him. Host/producer of probably the first Polish podcast devoted to stand-up comedians and their craft - Nagrałeś to?!

Most performers are bilingual, but the show will be entirely in English.
No filming and/or audio recordings please.
Strong language and sensitive, mature topics may appear. The show is for adults.
If you are too loud and disruptive you may be ejected, otherwise: see paragraph 2.

PRZECHOWALNIA Łódzka Piwnica Artystyczna • 6 Sierpnia 5, 90-606 Łódź, Województwo łódzkie, Poland

Google Map of 6 Sierpnia 5, 90-606 Łódź, Województwo łódzkie, Poland

Gawel Feliga