Shoot into the New Year 30 Dec 2023

Saturday 30. December 2023 at 11:30 - 21:00

Wild Eala, Blessington

Online ticket sales has ended

We have a potential new site for one day events that we want to test. There is enough space to do archery and even other martial activities.
There is an outdoor firepit that we are planning to use.
And there is a small indoor space with toilets and potentially a socket or two for a kettle.
Please book to cover costs for firewood and other incidentals.

IMPORTANT: Due to insurance reasons, non-members must book by end of Tuesday of the week of the event. Failure to do so will mean you cannot participate in martial activities (archery, fencing, armoured combat) on the day.

Or you can join the SCA as a member:

Wild Eala • County Wicklow, Ireland

Google Map of County Wicklow, Ireland

Shire of Dun in Mara
