Friday 28. February at 11:00 - 12:00 EET
The music industry is more data-driven than ever in the digital age. Every streamed song, saved file, shared press photo, and edited music video leaves behind a digital footprint. But what is the real impact of all this? Is the cloud truly infinite, or is it silently turning into a digital trash bin?
This seminar will explore the environmental and societal impact of digital waste and discuss why conscious data usage should become a daily practice for musicians, entrepreneurs, and listeners alike. How can you manage your data, devices, and cloud services in a mindful and practical way to reduce your digital footprint? How can you use smart devices responsibly, handle old electronics, and initiate a major data cleanup on your computer and phone?
The seminar is led by Elo Võrk, an experienced marketing and communications expert who has spearheaded several digital inclusion and responsibility initiatives at Telia Estonia over the past decade, including Digital Cleanup campaigns and the Greatest Courage campaign against cyberbullying. She is currently responsible for Tallinn Music Week's marketing and will share her knowledge and practical tips on how to address digital waste more consciously in the music industry.
General admission: €25
Free for Music Estonia members and participants of the AMP ARENDUS and FOOKUS programs (with a code)
The seminar will be held in English, conducted via Zoom, and will not be recorded. All participants are required to digitally sign a registration form to confirm their attendance. Relevant details will be sent via email.
The seminar is co-funded by the European Union and is part of Music Estonia's project: "Developing Estonian Music Enterprises and Enhancing Export Capabilities."
In partnership with Fienta and Music City Tallinn.