Tuesday 26. October at 13:00 - Monday 15. November 2021 at 17:00 EET
Taltech - Tallinna Tehnikaülikool · Online
The AIRE training course in robotics comes in four modules and will teach small and medium-sized industrial enterprises about the goals of using robots, the opportunities they provide and the feasibility of using them for different tasks such as welding, assembly, machine tooling, packing, moving, grinding and polishing. Different models and methods will be presented that can assess how suitable robots are for the business.
The four modules of the AIRE training course in robotics will be held between 26.10 and 15.11.2021. The course starts with an introductory module held online on 26 October, then two practical four-hour modules on 2 and 9 November as physical in-person sessions, and a final four-hour module online on 15 November.
Topics covered in the training:
The trainer is the very experienced expert on robotics, Jüri Riives from IMECC.
The session on 26 October will also be attended by Flagmore AS, the largest manufacturer of fibreglass flagpoles.
The training course is free, but registration in advance is required. Please register by 22 October 2021. Before the first session on 26 October, we would ask all participants to complete the digital readiness assessment survey, for which we will email a link after registration. We will also send a detailed training programme to all those who have registered, with the online links for the training and the locations of the in-person sessions.
We expect that all those who register will attend all of the modules of the training course. Different people from the companies who have registered may attend the four training modules. Up to two people from each company may attend each module.
The training course is aimed at managers, development managers, production managers, technical experts and robot technicians from manufacturing companies.
The training course robotics will cover the following areas, which can be used within businesses:
AIRE is currently in preparatory phase and funded by the Estonian state. It is the Estonian candidate to the European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) programme, under which 200 similar hubs are being set up across Europe from 2022.
The AIRE consortium is led by Tallinn University of Technology, and its partners are the University of Tartu, the Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tehnopol Science and Business Park, Tartu Science Park, and IMECC OÜ. Professional associations, clusters, chambers of commerce, telecommunications firms, IT and electronics firms, robot makers and more are also involved as partners.
Taltech - Tallinna Tehnikaülikool • Ehitajate tee 5, 51009 Tallinn, Harju, Estonia