Reede, 26. juuli kell 23:00 - Laupäev, 27. juuli kell 07:00

Techno club HALL • Peetri 6, 10411 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti

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(Eng below)

Alternatiivse elektroonilse muusika tipp Red Axes astub esmakordselt klubis HALL Eesti publiku ette!

Red Axes on duo, kelle eklektiline helivalik on mõjutatud paljudest žanritest ning kombineerib üllatavalt disco, house, garage rock, post punk, psühhedeelse rocki ja techno elemente. Nende loomingus kuuleb ühekorraga elektrikitarririffe kui diskorütme, millele keeravad vinti peale meeste enda kähedad vokaalid.

2010. aastal loodud Red Axes taga on Tel Avivi päritolu DJ- d ja produtsendid Dori Sadovnik ja Niv Arzi. Kutid on loonud Garzen Festivali ning korraldavad kureeritud pidusid üle maailma.

Red Axes on astunud üles suurfestivalidel nagu Sonar, FYF, Glastonbury, Fusion, Field Day, Convenanza, Dekmantel, DGTL ja Coachella. Red Axese muusikat on nautinud publik Burning Manil ning ka klubides nagu Berghein ja Pacha Ibiza.

Duo on andnud välja kolm albumit Ballad of the Ice (I’m A Cliché 2014), The Beach Goths (Garzen Records 2017) ning eelmisel aastal One More City (Fabric Records).

Meestele meeldib improviseerida ja üks asi, mida mehed ei tunnista, on päris kindlasti piirid. Ja seda nii helikombinatsioonide kui visuaalse loomingu osas.

Lase ennast üllatada, sest piirid on igavatele! Näeme HALLIs!

Vaata videot:


Sündmusel on vanusepiirang 18+
Korraldajal on õigus teha programmis, ajakavas ja sündmuses muudatusi.


The most gripping artist of alternative electronic genre will perform in club HALL, Tallinn!

Red Axes is an electronic and indie music duo whose eclectic sound range is influenced by many genres, including disco, house, garage rock, post punk, psychedelic rock and techno. Imagine electric guitar riffs combined with disco beats interrupted by the most hoarse and vocals and you will get a trippy experience unlike anything you´ve heard or seen before!

Red Axes was formed in 2010 by Tel Aviv-based DJs and producers Dori Sadovnik and Niv Arzi. In 2016 they established their own festival, called: "Garzen Festival"[3] and curated party nights around the world. Red Axes have various performing acts either as Dj's, live electronic duo, or as a Live band called "Red Axes 4”.

International appearance venuses of Red Axes have included worldwide festivals such as Sonar, FYF, Glastonbury, Fusion, Field Day, Convenanza, Dekmantel, DGTL ja Coachella. Their music has been appreciated by audience at Burning Man, Berghein, Pacha Ibiza and now in HALL.

Those guys are all about inventing and improvizing. Limits will never define Red Axes so let yourself be taken by surprise and leave your preconditioned expectations home!

Look video:


NB! Age limit for this event is 18+
Organizers have all the rights to make changes in event.

Techno club HALL • Peetri 6, 10411 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti

Google Map of Peetri 6, 10411 Tallinn, Harju maakond, Eesti

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