Prayers in the Dark. Nature-based, experience oriented retreat. Retrīts angļu valodā

Sunday 2. July at 12:00 - Thursday 6. July 2023 at 13:30

Center of spiritual practices Stacija • Lūžņas Stacija, LV3601 Luzna, Targales parish, Latvia

Online ticket sales has ended

WE LIVE AT A PIVOTAL MOMENT IN EARTH’S HISTORY, a time of extraordinary challenge and uncertainty in which our precious world – with its endangered creatures and imperiled ecosystems – hangs by a precariously thin thread. The human species has entered a collective dark night – perhaps a necessary one. At an hour like this, each of us must dare to walk directly into the fires of love, bravely relinquishing old modes of being and surrendering ourselves to what is beckoning from the human soul and from what Thomas Berry calls ‘the Dream of the Earth’. While cooking in these fires, as we behold the breathtaking beauty of our world as well as its immense suffering, what visions might emerge from our prayers in the dark?

“In a dark time, the eye begins to see…” — Roethke

Radical personal and cultural transformation at this time requires a descent into the depths of soul, an initiatory journey that reveals our hidden and unique gifts, as well as a descent into the inescapable grief and despair evoked by a sober view of contemporary Western culture and the real possibility of self-inflicted extinction. The descent to soul enables us to cultivate our innate visionary skills, respond creatively to the dangerous opportunities of our times, and achieve real change in our world.

On a journey such as this, we encounter both demons and angels, fears, wounds, and the shadowy aspects of previously denied elements of our psyches, as well as awe, wonder, and enchantment. Your unique role in the larger Earth community is revealed in the mysterious symbols, metaphors, images, dreams, and numinous encounters that weave together your mythopoetic identity, which is your greater story or personal mission, “the truth at the center of the image you were born with,” “the largest conversation you can have with the world”. Your mythopoetic identity is your indispensible guide in fulfilling your purpose in this time of planetary crisis.

Prayers in the Dark is a wild invitation to enter the cave-womb of transformation and experience states of non-ordinary perception through a variety of practices and processes rooted in art, imagination, and the body. Our soulcraft practices will include dreamwork, council, shadow work, self-designed ceremony, conversations with the sacred Others (including sky, hawk and stone), creative expression, gentle wild yoga and movement, soul tasks in nature, befriending the dark, and sacred wound work.

Will you dare dive into the holy dark mystery at the center of your life? Are you willing to reclaim your true voice and bravely add your song to the uni-verse, the symphony emerging at this pivotal moment in the Earth story? Are you willing to risk a radical re-imagining of your life’s purpose and return with sacred gifts for your people?

During our five days together at Lūžņa, we’ll listen to and track what arises in our body, dreams, hearts, and imaginations, and follow our allurements. We’ll begin and end our days with prayer ceremonies, to listen and honor all the Others. We’ll live embraced by a forest community and pray to be sung to life by the profound truth of our own visions.

…Let us pray dangerously.
Let us throw ourselves from the top of the tower,
let us risk a descent to the darkest region of the abyss,
let us put our head in the lion’s mouth and
direct our feet to the entrance of the dragon’s cave.
Let us ask for nothing less than the Infinite to ravage us.
Let us ask for nothing less than annihilation in the Fires of Love…
— Dangerous Prayers, by Regina Sara Ryan

Mērķauditorija: cilvēki, kurus interesē izaugsme un savas iekšējās pasaules iepazīšana.

Kursu vada: Rebeka Vaildbēra (Rebecca Wildbear). Rebecca is the author of Wild Yoga: A Practice of Initiation, Veneration & Advocacy for the Earth. She is also the creator of a yoga practice called Wild Yoga, which empowers individuals to tune in to the mysteries that live within the earth community, dreams, and their own wild nature so they may live a life of creative service. She has been guiding Wild Yoga programs since 2007 and also guides vision quests and other nature and soul programs through Animas Valley Institute. Visit her online at

Kursa vieta: garīgo prakšu centrs Stacija, Ventspils novada Lūžņas ciems,

Kursa maksa: EUR 1300 (ieskaitot PVN), nakšņojot teltī ar ērtu matraci, vai EUR 1500 (ieskaitot PVN), nakšņojot istabiņā.
Cenā iekļautas 13 ēdienreizes.

Kursa darba kārtība
12.00 Sākums
13.00 Noslēgums

Center of spiritual practices Stacija • Lūžņas Stacija, LV3601 Luzna, Targales parish, Latvia

Google Map of Lūžņas Stacija, LV3601 Luzna, Targales parish, Latvia

SIA Soulcraft