PlayDay 2020 “Service Design meets Tourism” conference

Thursday 12. November 2020 at 09:00 - 22:00

Strand SPA ja Conference Hotel

All tickets have been sold out

Service design conference PLAYDAY is happening in Pärnu already for the 3rd time on November 12 and we are waiting for YOU to participate!
At the conference we will discuss how to turn off-season into TOP season in the tourism sector.

Conference participants are guaranteed a lot of new inspiration and an overview of innovative solutions, getting answers to the following questions:

  1. Why is it necessary to design the service during low season or in extreme conditions (eg travel restrictions caused by COVID-19, etc.)?
  2. How to design the service and adapt to change?
  3. What are the innovative possibilities and effective digital solutions in service design?

Many internationally recognized experts will share their experiences at the conference, such as Nick Hall (Digital Tourism Think Tank founder, UK), Dr Willy Legrand (Professor of Hospitality Management and international lecturer, Germany), Mario Sepp (service designer, founder and creator of Gastspiel, Austria), Alex Crevar (sustainable and green tourism expert, Slovenia) and others.

For more info visit

Playday 2020 is happening in the result of cooperation between Pärnu City Government, Pärnu College of the University of Tartu, EAS and Lääne-Eesti Tourism.

Strand SPA ja Conference Hotel • A. H. Tammsaare puiestee 35, Pärnu, 80010 Pärnu maakond, Estonia

Google Map of A. H. Tammsaare puiestee 35, Pärnu, 80010 Pärnu maakond, Estonia

Pärnu Linnavalitsus