Lõimeleer summer camp for families 2025 (19 July - 27 July)

Saturday 19. July at 13:00 - Sunday 27. July at 13:00

In more detail, see https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=mtu.loimeleer%40gmail.com&ctz=Europe%2FTallinn (locate the start of camp period).

Location: https://goo.gl/maps/nJxgofTcBcUriUoW9

Tääksi village, Viljandi County, Estonia

Get the whole family involved in LÕIMELEER – you, your partner, your kids (under the age of 10) and their grandparents as well! This is also a great opportunity for non-Estonian speaking parents and camp alumni.

NOTE: The organisers are currently unable to offer accommodation as part of the LÕIMELEER Estonian summer camp for families, so please book your accommodation through booking.com, AirBNB etc. If needed, budget accommodation can be arranged in classrooms of the schoolhouse. Free outdoor camping is also an option.

Tääksi village, Viljandi County, Estonia • Tuudevere kordon, Aimla küla, Põhja-Sakala vald, Estonia

Google Map of Tuudevere kordon, Aimla küla, Põhja-Sakala vald, Estonia

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