Fredag 12. juli klokken 17:00 - Søndag 14. juli klokken 17:00

Oslo sentrum

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We welcome you to Oslo for an amazing and playful weekend with ANDY BURU and his teachings!! 🕺🏻💃

«My work aim to create magical rooms where people can rest, heal and grow.» Andy Buru

«One should be humble and have humour; anyone that has to assert their power with violence doesn’t own it.» Andy Buru

Andy Buru is worldwide known for his soft and sensitive tantric rope tecnique, and has been several times in Norway via NYT-festivalen, holding weekend retreats focusing on bondage.

NOTE! This time the focus is NOT on learning the ropes, but on the POWER-DYNAMIC between the two individuals interacting. There will be some tools, but focus is learning to built up and Enjoy the ongoing game between the two partners.

Video with Andy and ropes:

(More about Andy and his teachings --> scroll down)

Friday we get to know each other and focus on bounderies and consent. Saturday we will be doing instructed power-play exercises the whole day, both dominating and surrendering to each other. The exercises have a soft and conscious approach. We mostly pair up two and two, switching partners and genders frequently throughout the weekend. Also some exercises are in small groups. Saturday we end the day with free flow play of what we have learned (IF you want), and on Sunday we continue exercises, with focus on integration work.

This weekend retreat fits both beginners and more experienced. It's for people who want to explore how it feels to be in power of leading&dominating, as well as feeling surrender&submitting to another.

Beginners require almost zero previous experience or practical knowledge. You don’t have to know beforehand what you like and don’t like. You need no desires or fantasies. Instead, the teaching style will provide you with a number of experiences to try out, of which some you might love and others you might hate.

You are welcome with a partner, lover, friend or you can come solo (most people do). Some of the exercises can be in trios so if you come as a duo not wanting to switch partners within the weekend, it’s good to have talked about that beforehand.

Note! It will always be possible to step out and observe exercises if you don’t feel like doing what is suggested. We will also have space to share and reflect on the experience throughout the weekend.

Playing with hierarchies makes one more resilient to them in everyday life. And, of course, as in any play with polarity, there is also space to experience the other end. So both power&dominating, and surrender&submitting is felt in this course. You are here to learn, be challenged and to worship one another in the energy and feelings that arises.

Majorstua, Oslo centre, Norway. You will get the specific location when you register.

If you do not live in Oslo we ask you to fix accommodation privately.

There will be served us 4 delicious vegetarian and gluten free meals (lunch&dinner). Between the meals we will have te/coffee, snacks and fruits. If you have any allergies or other preferences let us know when you register.

Program (changes can occur)
17.00-17.30 Arriving and landing
17.30-18.30 Finger foods/light dinner
18.30-21.30 Workshop

9.00-10.00 Morning soft movement for tuning in
10.00-13.00 Workshop
13.00-14.30 Lunch
14.30-17.30 Workshop
17.30-19.00 Dinner
19.00-22.00 Ritual, Free Flow Play Party

9.00-10.00 Morning soft movement&integration
10.00-13.00 Workshop
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-17.00 Workshop&ending
17.00-17.30 Cleaning the space together and goodbye for now

Contact Info:
Kristina is a tantra therapist, course instructor and a kundalini yoga teacher. She is the organizer, and you are welcome to reach out to her if you have any questions.
Mail: [email protected]
Kristinas websites:

This workshop is organized in cooperation with Nytfestivalen, www.nytfestivalen.no and Lås Opp Ditt Indre, utbrent.no

More about Andy - scroll down

We are looking forward to meet you and to be in this weekend journey with you!🥰

Kristina and Andy

If I break down my teachings, there are three philosophical themes—SURRENDER, POWER and DESIRE.

SURRENDER is the most introverted process. To let go and fall, trusting that one will be caught, by life, by love, by wonder, by another. Surrendering brings great pleasure when one learns to let go of controlling the body, the emotions and the ego, and devote oneself to something greater.

POWER, on the other hand, is relational. It’s submitting your control to empower the dominant person and discover what they will do with this power, and what play you will create together.

Finally, DESIRE is a group process where you’ll be a part of a kinky family, a little bit like a theatre ensemble, that will unfold their shared deviant fantasies through rituals and play parties.

Being dominant is vulnerable because one has to expose the desire for power. The more deviant and taboo, the scarier it is. Still, what is shown in mainstream media is often emotionless masters and their mistresses hiding behind their cruelty. Instead, I think one should blossom in their raw self-expression. Power is an opportunity to explore new avenues of esoteric intimacy that are profoundly energetic and sensual.

On the other side - learning to wield and surrender to power consciously and with consent, requires a great understanding of one’s boundaries, and being safe and brave enough to reject anyone overstepping them. At the same time, one should be humble and have humour; anyone that has to assert their power with violence doesn’t own it!

Being dominant is a balance between holding space and allowing oneself to be selfish. Holding space is learning how to create a safe container for oneself and others to play with power, while being selfish is to express to the other what you desire.

Unfortunately, there is an overvaluation of power in today’s society, and everyone is fighting for it, while surrender is undervalued. Playing with power though, can become a way to make a parody of already existing power structures, while reclaiming a more healthy relationship to masculine energy (masculine energy: the «do’er» we all have inside ourself- nothing to do with gender!).

Indirectly you also learn how to hold space for anothers’ process of letting go when learning to stand in your power. Participants describe it as intimate, vulnerable and trusting, and it makes them more resilient to the hardships of life.

In the surrender part you learn to let go and open yourself up to receive what you are given, and to allow your self to trust that you will be taken care of and held in whatever comes.

More about Andy:

Kristina Manpriya Maudal
