Tour at the exhibition ”The Bambi Project“

Saturday 23. October 2021 at 15:00 - 15:35

Kogo gallery, Tartu

Online ticket sales has ended

Curator’s tour in English at Kogo gallery’s international group show ”The Bambi Project”. When buying a ticket you can decide for yourself the amount of your contribution.

In 1923, Austrian writer and Vienna modernist Felix Salten published his children’s book “Bambi, A Life in Woods,” one of the first children’s books dedicated to environmental issues. Kogo gallery invited six artists from the Baltics to (re)read Salten’s book and contemplate how this story which became a part of popular culture, can connect with today’s environmental issues and the reconnection with nature as part of the posthumanism idea.

In the tour, the curator of the exhibition, Šelda Puķīte, will talk about the works of each participating artist separately. She also gives an overview of the process, creating an online reading club with the artists to read and think about Felix Salten’s youth story “Bambi, A Life in Woods”, creating the exhibition as a whole.

Artists of the exhibition: Eike Eplik (Estonia), Žilvinas Landzberga (Lithuania), Ingrīda Pičukāne (Latvia), Laura Põld (Estonia), Rūta Spelskytė (Lithuania), Līga Spunde (Latvia)

Curator: Šelda Puķīte (Latvia/ Estonia)

Exhibition “The Bambi Project“ at Kogo gallery (Kastani 42, Tartu) is open until October 30th, Wed–Fri at 1-7 pm, Sat 1–6 pm.

Kogo gallery • Kastani 42, 50410 Tartu, Tartu maakond, Estonia

Google Map of Kastani 42, 50410 Tartu, Tartu maakond, Estonia

Kogo galerii
