Spring Exhibition 2021

Monday 3. May at 11:00 - Sunday 30. May 2021 at 19:00

Tallinn Art Hall

Online ticket sales has ended

The representative Spring Exhibition of the Estonian Artists’ Association will be unveiled at Tallinn Art Hall, Art Hall Gallery and City Gallery on 3 May and will be open every day this year.

Celebrating Estonia’s thriving artistic community, the 21st Spring Exhibition of the Estonian Artists’ Association will take place at all three exhibition venues of Tallinn Art Hall. This year’s Spring Exhibition will address the salient topics of gender and the body, performativity and provocative live expressions, spirituality, ecological awareness, the integration of political and aesthetic vision, redefining of abstraction, urbanism and gentrification, and, of course, the ongoing pandemic crisis.

In recent years, the design of the main exhibition has aimed to provide equal exhibiting conditions for all artists. This edition of the Spring Exhibition takes a further step in this direction, eliminating the more visually noisy surfaces of the space. The selected works are loosely grouped together along the aforementioned thematic lines, with the curators and exhibition designer collaboratively orchestrating the rhythm, density and placement of the works. This has allowed the artworks to support each other as well as create surprising dialogues between generations and approaches to the artistic practice.

Artists participating at the main exhibition at Tallinn Art Hall
Jüri Arrak, Jaanika Arum, Britta Benno, Erinn Cox, Liisi Eelmaa, Maria Erikson, Ulvi Haagensen, Hannah Harkes, Heleliis Hõim, Mihkel Ilus, Virge Jõekalda, Liisa Jugapuu, Elle Kannike, Erki Kasemets, Jüri Kass, Triin Kerge, Olev Kuma, Vilen Künnapu, Toomas Kuusing, Laura Kuusk, Laurentsius, Peeter Laurits, Silvi Liiva, Lola Liivat, Rein Mägar, Ove Maidla, Mihkel Maripuu, Herkki-Erich Merila, Katariin Mudist, Maarit Murka, Mari Männa, Sarah Nõmm, Terje Ojaver, Aet Ollisaar, Mall Paris, Evi Pärn, Juss Piho, Katrin Piile, Vassa Ponomarjova, Brenda Purtsak, Alvar Reisner, Mari Roosvalt, Lembe Ruben and Kaupo Kangur, Sten Saarits, Maret Sarapu, Andres Sütevaka (Mäekallas), Edgar Tedresaar, Evi Tihemets-Viires, Nele Tiidelepp, Kadri Toom, Anne Türn, Alexandre Valetto, Viive Väljaots, Toomas Vint.

This year’s Spring Exhibition will again be supported by art patrons Tiit Pruuli, Jaan Manitski, Riivo Anton, Aivar Berzin and Rain Tamm, who have presented a prize of 5,000 euros for the winner of the audience vote. Visitors can vote for their favourite at Tallinn Art Hall and its galleries until 23 May, and this year too, most of the artworks displayed are available for purchase. The prize will be awarded at Tallinn Art Hall at the end of the exhibition. At the same event, a catalogue of works exhibited will be presented and a gift voucher of 500 euros for the NOAR platform (noar.eu) will be drawn from among all the voters. The platform also includes works displayed at the Spring Exhibition.

The curators of the exhibition are Corina L. Apostol and Siim Preiman. The exhibition was designed by Neeme Külm; the catalogue was designed by Maris Lindoja.

The annual exhibition of the Estonian Artists’ Association, Spring Exhibition 2021, will be open at Tallinn Art Hall from 3 May until 30 May and at the Art Hall Gallery and City Gallery until 23 May. This year the exhibitions will be open every day from 11 am to 6 pm.

NB! Wearing a mask in the exhibition space is mandatory. Maximum number of visitors at the space is 27.

Tallinn Art Hall • Vabaduse Väljak 8, Estonia

Google Map of Vabaduse Väljak 8, Estonia

Tallinna Kunstihoone
