Meet the Artist: About the body with Julia SH [ENG]

Friday 2. September 2022 at 17:30 - 18:30

Fotografiska Tallinn

Online ticket sales has ended

From 15 September, Fotografiska will host a special exhibition FFL - Fotografiska For Life, focusing on people with special needs. The exhibition is a collaboration between Fotografiska and the Ministry of Social Affairs and aims to show that the lives of all of us are sometimes ordinary and sometimes special, regardless of our special needs. The exhibition features the work of three artists, one of whom is the Swedish photographer Julia SH.

Julia SH was born in Stockholm, Sweden, where she spent the first 18 years of her life before moving to London to continue her art studies. She has always been fascinated by the human figure in all its variations, especially the female body. This interest has grown since moving to the United States, where nudity, the body and its treatment are highly controversial subjects.

Since 2012, Julia has created works depicting subjects for their intrinsic value and not for their aesthetic appeal. She is passionate about giving a platform to underrepresented body types and subcultures across multiple identity coordinates - the spectrum of gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age and ability. Julia's images often fall on the borderline between sculpture and painting and are often treated as if they were created in a non-photographic medium.

At the Artist Talk, Julia will talk about her work process, her use of photography as a medium and her own journey as an artist.

*The event is free for Fotografiska Members.

Fotografiska Tallinn • Telliskivi 60a, 10412 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Google Map of Telliskivi 60a, 10412 Tallinn, Harjumaa, Estonia

Fotografiska Tallinn