INF-FNI 70th Anniversary

Thursday 7. September - Sunday 10. September 2023

CHM Montalivet, Vendays-Montalivet

Online ticket sales has ended

A gathering to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the International Naturist Federation.

To celebrate this momentous occasion, we have chosen to return to Montalivet, the birthplace of the INF-FNI, where the original statutes were signed in 1953.

Not only will the event be an opportunity to mark the anniversary in the company of naturist friends from around the world, it will also present an opportunity for the INF-FNI to host workshops on important questions concerning the future of the organisation.

Bordeaux is famous for its wine and its oysters and there will no doubt be opportunities to sample both.

For the most up-to-date information please visit our special web page:

CHM Montalivet • 46 avenue de l'Europe, 33930 Vendays-Montalivet, France

Google Map of 46 avenue de l'Europe, 33930 Vendays-Montalivet, France

International Naturist Federation